Grow Your Online Business Without Burnout

A Complete Guide To Hiring Virtual Assistants & Freelancers To Free Your Time, Focus On What Matters And Grow Your Business!

Yes, I'm Ready To GET MY TIME BACK!

Are You Feeling Overwhelmed by Your Business?

Here’s Why…

You started your business to follow your passion, serve your customers, and make an impact—but now, it feels like you’re buried under an endless to-do list.

As a solopreneur, you’re wearing all the hats, juggling every task from content creation and client management to admin work and tech issues.

No matter how much you do, the list keeps growing, and your dream of scaling your business feels further away than ever.

Do Any of These Sound Familiar To You?

...if so, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!


  • You spend hours every day on repetitive tasks like answering emails, scheduling appointments, editing videos, and maintaining your website. You know these aren’t the tasks that will grow your business, but you feel like you don’t have a choice. After all, who else could do them as well as you?
  • You want to focus on the high-impact work—developing new products, refining your strategy, building your audience—but those tasks keep getting pushed to the bottom of your list. By the time you get to them, you’re exhausted, and they don’t get the attention they deserve. The frustration of always being “too busy” is weighing you down.


  • Every day feels like a race to keep up. You’re constantly reacting to new problems, putting out fires, and scrambling to meet deadlines. There’s little time for strategic thinking, creativity, or even taking a breath. The stress is mounting, and you’re starting to wonder how much longer you can sustain this pace without burning out.
  • Weekends and evenings? They’re not for rest—they’re for catching up on work. You’re glued to your laptop, and it’s starting to affect your personal life. The sense of freedom and flexibility that made entrepreneurship appealing in the first place has disappeared. YOU FEEL STUCK!


  • You’ve thought about outsourcing, but the idea of handing over important parts of your business feels scary. What if things go wrong? What if they don’t understand your brand or your customers? You’re worried that no one else can do things to the high standard you’ve set for yourself.
  • The thought of training someone feels like more work than it’s worth, and the idea of trusting someone with your business makes you anxious. So you hold onto every task, believing it’s safer to keep control—even though it’s holding you back from growing.


  • Your days are spent running on a hamster wheel—working harder, but not smarter. You’re maxed out. There’s simply no more time to give, no matter how hard you work. Your creativity is stifled because you’re too busy dealing with the minutiae of day-to-day operations.
  • You’ve hit a ceiling. You know that if you keep doing everything yourself, there’s no way to scale your business. But right now, it feels like you’re trapped in a cycle of busyness, with NO CLEAR WAY OUT.


  • You keep telling yourself that you’ll get around to outsourcing “when things calm down” or “when you have the budget.” But deep down, you know that time will never come. Waiting for the perfect moment is keeping you stuck, and every month that goes by, you’re missing out on opportunities to scale your business and increase your revenue.
  • There’s a nagging feeling that you’re falling behind—that other entrepreneurs are moving faster, hiring help, and growing their businesses while you’re stuck doing everything yourself.


  • You know you need to make changes, but you’re overwhelmed by the sheer number of tasks and don’t know where to begin. Every day, you face decision fatigue—trying to figure out what to prioritise, what can wait, and what can be delegated. You’re so busy with the daily grind that there’s no time to take a step back and see the bigger picture.
  • This constant cycle of indecision leaves you feeling stuck and unsure of your next steps. It’s frustrating to know that your business has potential but not being able to move forward because you’re caught up in the details.

...but DON'T WORRY! ...

It Doesn't Have To Be Like This! 

Imagine This Instead…


What if your days didn’t revolve around putting out fires and drowning in busy work?

What if you had a team you could trust to handle the repetitive tasks, leaving you free to focus on growing your business, serving your clients, and developing new ideas?

With Some Expert Guidance, You Could Have...

More Time for High-Impact Work

  • Instead of being bogged down by admin tasks, you now spend your time working on your business, not in it. You’re developing new products, refining your strategy, and creating content that attracts your ideal clients. You finally have the space to think big and plan for the future.
  • The feeling of stress and overwhelm is gone. You have clear goals and the time to focus on them, knowing that your team is handling everything else behind the scenes.

Freedom and Flexibility

  • Your business no longer consumes your every waking hour. You can take evenings and weekends off without guilt, knowing that your team has everything under control. You finally have the work-life balance you dreamed of when you started your business.
  • You feel a sense of freedom and control over your schedule. You can take vacations, spend more time with family, or work on passion projects, knowing that your business is still running smoothly.

Peace of Mind and Reduced Stress

  • With the daily grind and constant pressure lifted, you experience a sense of calm and clarity you haven’t felt in a long time. No longer caught up in small, time-consuming tasks, you can approach your work with a renewed sense of peace and focus.
  • Knowing that your team is handling the details, you can finally step away from your business when needed—without worry. The stress and anxiety that used to accompany every workday have been replaced by a feeling of control, balance, and mental well-being.

A Clear Path Forward

  • You’ve learned how to delegate strategically and effectively. You know exactly what tasks to outsource, which platforms to use, and how to manage your virtual team for success.
  • Outsourcing is no longer something you fear—it’s a core part of your business strategy. You’re on a clear path to growing your business without burnout, with the support you need to reach your goals.

Confident Decision-Making and Clarity

  • With a clear outsourcing plan, you no longer suffer from decision paralysis. You know exactly which tasks to keep and which to delegate, making it easier to make confident, quick decisions. This clarity has empowered you to focus on the tasks that drive growth, while your team takes care of the rest.
  • You’ve regained control of your business, and you have the mental space to think strategically. With less day-to-day chaos, you can make decisions that move your business forward with confidence and ease.

Excitement for Future Growth Opportunities

  • With the time and energy you’ve reclaimed through outsourcing, you can now look toward the future with excitement. You finally have the bandwidth to explore new business opportunities, whether it’s expanding into new markets, launching new products, or exploring partnerships.
  • The possibilities for growth seem limitless now that you’re no longer bogged down by the daily grind. You’re energised, inspired, and excited about the future of your business, knowing that you have the support system and strategy in place to scale successfully.

Join the Outsourcing Masterclass and Start Your Transformation Today

YES! I'm Ready!

It’s Not Just About Business

— It’s About Your Life.

When you free up your time and energy by outsourcing, the benefits go beyond your business. You’ll have more time for the things that matter most—whether that’s spending quality time with family, pursuing hobbies, or simply enjoying the freedom that comes from not having to do everything yourself.

More time to spend with family and friends, without the constant stress of work.

The ability to focus on your health, fitness, or personal goals with your freed-up time.

Peace of mind knowing that your business can grow without you having to sacrifice your wellbeing.


Ready to Take Back Control of Your Life and Business?


Take Back Your Time... Enrol NOW!

Introducing The Outsourcing Masterclass

and The CASE Matrix

The Path to Freedom: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Outsourcing with Confidence

You don’t have to keep spinning your wheels, trying to do everything yourself. The solution to feeling stuck and overwhelmed is simpler than you think. By learning how to effectively outsource the right tasks to the right people, you can reclaim your time, grow your business, and achieve the work-life balance you’ve been missing. That’s exactly what the Outsourcing Masterclass is designed to help you do.

  • Get step-by-step guidance on how to delegate tasks without feeling like you’re losing control.
  • Learn to use powerful outsourcing platforms like OnlineJobs.ph, Fiverr, and Upwork to find skilled freelancers who can help you succeed.
  • Implement the CASE Matrix, a proven framework to help you decide which tasks to outsource and how to manage your virtual team effectively.
  • Build a system that allows your business to grow, even when you’re not working around the clock.

Your Outsourcing Framework

A core part of the Outsourcing Masterclass is the CASE Matrix—a simple yet powerful framework that will guide you through the process of outsourcing with confidence.

It breaks down the tasks you should keep, what you should delegate, and how to do it efficiently, ensuring that your business runs smoothly and grows sustainably.


These are the tasks that only you, as the business owner, should be doing. Think of them as the core drivers of your business—strategy, leadership, high-level decisions, and innovation.


By delegating these high-impact, non-specialised activities, you can scale faster and more efficiently, while still ensuring that your business continues to grow.


Separate yourself from these tasks by outsourcing them to specialised professionals, allowing you to maintain focus on your high-revenue activities. 


These are routine tasks that keep your business running but do not directly contribute to growth, and they often consume time that could be better spent on higher-value activities.

Trust Me, YOU ARE READY NOW To Put the CASE Matrix To Work For YOU!

Join the Outsourcing Masterclass Today

What You’ll Learn in the Outsourcing Masterclass

Everything You Need to Master Outsourcing

The Outsourcing Masterclass is a comprehensive, step-by-step program designed to take you from feeling overwhelmed to feeling empowered and in control. Whether you’re just starting with outsourcing or want to build a high-performing virtual team, this course will give you the tools and strategies to make it happen.

Module 1: The Outsourcing Mindset


Learn how to shift your mindset from doing everything yourself to confidently delegating tasks. Overcome limiting beliefs and understand why outsourcing is the key to scalability.

Module 2: Mastering OnlineJobs.ph


Discover how to hire reliable virtual assistants for long-term support. From posting jobs to managing tasks and ensuring confidentiality, this module will give you everything you need to know to succeed.

Module 3: Maximising Fiverr


Learn how to use Fiverr to outsource specialized, short-term tasks like graphic design, website updates, and marketing projects. You’ll also learn how to manage freelancers effectively.

Module 4: Leveraging Upwork


Find out how to hire contractors for mid- to long-term projects on Upwork. You’ll learn how to create job postings, review applicants, and manage contracts with ease.

Module 5: Building Your Virtual Team


Learn how to create and manage a virtual team using SCRUM methodology and other effective team management techniques. You’ll also discover how to scale your team as your business grows.

Module 6: Putting It Into Practice


Actionable steps to implement everything you’ve learned and start outsourcing right away. This module will guide you in taking those first steps toward building a scalable business.

By The End of These 6 Modules...

... you will have a clear plan in place, have hired your first virtual assistant or freelancer and have broken free from the burden of doing everything yourself!

...you will have freed up more of your time, and you will have a renewed confidence about achieving your goals for business growth!

Start Your Outsourcing Journey Today!

Enrol Now!



Alec Johnson - Founder, Take One Tech

"Let me Help You Grow Your Business"

My Outsourcing Journey

Having spent a decade building a brick and mortar business (literally - an architectural design and construction company in Thailand) and managing hundreds of staff and contractors, I went on to form a Real Estate Investment company in 2016... 

This was a business built almost entirely with virtual assistants and freelancers, hiring dozens of team members and freelancers through platforms like Online Jobs .ph, Upwork and Fiverr to great effect.

In 2021 I created a Take One Tech, which started out as a hobby YouTube channel... it was originally simply a test bed for 'one take' video production. 

With a real passion for helping people and solve their tech and business problems I realised I'd found my 'Ikigai' and Take One Tech quickly grew into a thriving online six figure training and education business.

But something was not quite right... 

I made the classic solopreneur mistake—I fell in love with every aspect of the work and was slow to start outsourcing. I thought I could handle everything myself, from content creation, client management, graphic design, website design and of course all of the day to day admin of running a business.   And while I genuinely enjoyed it all, there were real consequences.

  • Missed launch deadlines when life threw unexpected events my way.
  • Missed business milestones that I knew I could achieve.
  • Slower progress toward financial goals, even though I knew what was possible with outsourcing.

Even though I built Take One Tech into a six-figure business entirely on my own in the under three years, I know that I could have grown bigger, faster, and with far less stress if I had brought in help earlier.

The Return To Outsourcing

A Game Changer For Take One Tech 

“Now that I’ve re-implemented outsourcing and have begun building the Take One Tech team, my business is moving faster than ever before. Drawing on my past experience with outsourcing and staff management, I’ve been able to accelerate productivity, hit my goals sooner, and set even bolder targets for the future.”

Why I Created the Outsourcing Masterclass for YOU!

“I created this course because I know firsthand how empowering outsourcing can be for solopreneurs like you. My goal is to give you the tools, strategies, and mindset you need to confidently delegate tasks and focus on growing your business. You don’t have to wait until you’re burnt out or missing important goals like I did—start outsourcing now and see how quickly your business can grow.”

What I'm Sharing With You

Extensive Outsourcing Experience: My journey spans years of working with virtual assistants, freelancers, and contractors across platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, and OnlineJobs.ph.

Real-World Insights: I’ve seen both sides—the benefits of outsourcing and the challenges of trying to do everything alone. My experience can save you from making the same mistakes.

Proven Success: Whether working solo or with a team, I’ve built a six-figure business and learned how to unlock rapid growth by outsourcing the right way.

Ready to Learn from My Outsourcing Journey?

Join the Masterclass Today!

See Why So Many Entrepreneurs Are RAVING About Alec's Training!

"Working with Alec has truly been AN INCREDIBLE EXPERIENCE!" 

His patience and his knowledge surpasses anyone that I've ever worked with in the tech field."

Duane Carlisle 
Expert Fitness & Wellness Coach

"Alec is always responsive and WILLING TO GO THE EXTRA MILE!"

"I'm delighted to recommend Alec Johnson - He has helped me the past several months on a wide variety of issue relating to my online business."

Mitzi Wyman 
Leadership & Culture Change Strategist

"Alec Johnson is my #1 GO-TO GUY FOR TECH EDUCATION"

"Alec is my secret weapon. It’s almost like I have a fast-track advantage because I stumbled upon Alec’s courses."

Josh Denhart 
Entertainer & Curriculum Developer

"Alec helps entrepreneurs like me to DELIVER GREAT CONTENT!"

 "Alec has an ability to figure out very complicated things and communicate them in simple step by step ways. This is a rare and valuable skill."

Andrew Jenkins
High Performance Team Expert

"It was so easy learning with Alec, he made it FUN & ENJOYABLE!"

 "I can't say enough things about Alec and how he has helped me elevate my online piano teaching set up!!!"

Cat Dingcong
Piano Teacher Online | Podcast Host

"Alec's Guides Are SO INFORMATIVE!"

 "He's a real expert in what he does"

Milena Dziebaj
Organisational Development & Training

"Alec is inclusive, compassionate and offers ACCESSIBLE TRAINING!"

 "I'm so grateful to have his help setting up my business and tech!"

Annie Crowe
Disability Rights Lawyer

"Alec’s content is VERY WELL ORGANISED & LOGICAL!"

 "This is very helpful when you’re learning a new piece of technology or a tool and therefore it makes it easy to follow alone especially when you are a beginner"

Tatiana Rodriguez
Adjunct Professor

"ALEC IS THE REAL DEAL! ... He knows his stuff and his training is spot on."

 "I have learnt so much from him… If you are interested at all in improving your skills I highly recommend you take a look at his courses

Scott Skibell
Video Course Creator

Overcoming Common Outsourcing Myths


Don’t Let These Limiting Beliefs Hold Back Your Business Growth

Many solopreneurs hold themselves back from outsourcing because of common misconceptions.

In the Outsourcing Masterclass, we help you break free from these limiting beliefs so you can grow your business without hesitation.

Myth 1: “No One Can Do It as Well as Me”

It’s natural to think that no one else can do things to the high standard you’ve set, but the reality is that outsourcing to experts often leads to better results. By hiring the right people, you’ll find that tasks get done more efficiently and to a higher quality than if you did them yourself.

Myth 2: “I’ll Do It When I’m Ready”

There’s never a ‘perfect’ time to start outsourcing. The sooner you begin, the sooner you’ll see the benefits. The Outsourcing Masterclass will show you how to start small and scale from there.

Myth 3: “Outsourcing Is a Big Commitment”

Outsourcing doesn’t have to mean hiring full-time staff. With platforms like Fiverr and Upwork, you can outsource projects on a flexible, as-needed basis without long-term commitments.

Myth 4: “I Enjoy Doing Everything Myself”

While it’s important to enjoy your work, doing everything yourself is not scalable. Outsourcing allows you to focus on the tasks you truly love while delegating the ones that drain your time.

Myth 5: “I Tried Outsourcing Before and It Didn’t Work”

Outsourcing is a skill that takes time to develop. The Outsourcing Masterclass will give you the strategies and tools you need to get it right, so your next outsourcing experience is a success.


You’ve already seen what’s possible when you effectively outsource. Imagine the freedom, the time, and the mental clarity you’ll gain.

Now, think about how just a few strategic hires can help you scale your business to new heights.

The Outsourcing Masterclass will guide you every step of the way—so you can finally break free from the busy work and start focusing on what really matters.

For JUST $297, $147 you’ll get...

Step-by-step guidance on how to effectively delegate tasks, hire the right talent, and build a team you can trust.

Proven frameworks like the CASE Matrix, which will help you identify exactly what to outsource and how to do it efficiently.

Exclusive tools and strategies to streamline your processes, saving you time, energy, and stress.

Lifetime access to the Outsourcing Masterclass, including all updates and any additional content added in the future.

This investment is small compared to...

...The many hours you’ll reclaim

...The stress you’ll eliminate

...The revenue you’ll generate

…The business growth you’ll unlock with the help of a skilled team

Special Price, JUST $147
Use Coupon Code 'FREEDOM' at checkout to lock in your $150 launch discount through to Thursday 19th September




You're getting lifetime access to all of the content in the Outsourcing Masterclass including ALL FUTURE UPDATES.

This course gives you all of the information you need to start freeing your time by outsourcing to virtual assistants and freelancers.

If you complete the training and implement what you have learned and are still not entirely satisfied with your results, just email Beverly at [email protected] and we'll gladly give you a full refund AND you can keep the training materials!

"This is my commitment to you! I want there to be NO RISK whatsoever when you decide to enrol to the Outsourcing Masterclass"

- Alec Johnson

This is your chance to break free from the overwhelm and finally build the business—and life—you deserve.

For JUST $297 $147, you’ll get access to the strategies, tools, and mindset shifts that will allow you to scale your business without burning out.

Don’t let another day slip by where you’re stuck doing everything yourself.


Enrol in the Outsourcing Masterclass today and start making progress toward the freedom, success, and growth you’ve always envisioned for your business.

Use Coupon Code 'FREEDOM' at checkout to lock in your $150 launch discount through to Thursday 19th September

Yes, I’m Ready to Outsource and Grow My Business